An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax ID, functions similarly to a Social Security number but for businesses. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses it to identify your business for tax purposes. Our experts can assist you in applying for an EIN online today.

Simplify Your Business with an EIN
Required for Most Businesses
If you plan on having employees or filing business taxes, a new EIN is necessary.
We Simplify the Process
Filling out IRS forms, like the SS-4, can be complex. We’ll handle the paperwork and liaise with the IRS on your behalf.
Required by Banks
Banks typically require your Federal Tax ID when opening a business bank account or applying for a line of credit.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does it Take to Get an EIN After Filing?
Applying online allows you to get an EIN immediately, provided the IRS can verify your Social Security number. Other methods, such as fax or mail, can take several days or weeks. Foreign owners without a Social Security number must apply via fax or mail.
Do I Need an EIN to File Taxes?
An EIN, or Federal Tax ID, is essential for many business activities, including paying federal taxes.
Is an EIN Required for My Small Business?
Without an EIN, your business operations will be limited. You’ll need an EIN if you plan to hire employees, run a corporation or partnership, or file Employment, Excise, or ATF returns.
Does an EIN Expire?
EINs do not expire and are unique to your business. If you lose or forget your EIN, you can contact the IRS for assistance.
Do I Need an EIN to Open a Business Bank Account?
Most banks will require an EIN or Federal Tax Identification Number to open a business bank account. Sole proprietors may sometimes use their Social Security number instead.